FaucetPay Review 2020: Next Faucethub with Faucetlist, PTC, Offerwalls & Binary Trading

 FaucetPay Review 2020: Next Faucethub with Faucetlist, PTC, Offerwalls & Binary Trading

The “CoinSwap” feature allows you to swap easily between the 7 Listed Coins on FaucetPay. I think it is not a P2P Exchange where you maybe have to wait until your Order gets filled as every time I swap Coins I have them Instantly in my Wallet which is amazing. This feature is good for those who like to Trade if some of the Cryptocurrencies start to move. But also nice to protect yourself again huge Market fluctuations of any of the Coins since you can easily swap to any of the other ones. Also recommended for Claimers which don't like to keep all the Coins & just swap them on one or two you like.

Sign up on FaucetPay now!


The “Binary” feature is a Bitcoin Options Trading with insanely 80% Profits on any trade you make. The crazy thing about this new feature is you can bet on Bitcoins price in the feature more or less but you can choose on your own how long the Option will run. 45 Seconds is the lowest Option you can buy and 72 hours the longest-running one. You can basically make every 45 Seconds exactly 80% on your invested BTC.

FaucetPay Admins did protect their self with a max. bet of 0,02 Bitcoin which is still huge since you can make 80% on this every 45 Seconds. The lowest Investment amount is 10 Satoshi or 0,00000010 BTC. Also, you can Switch the COins in the right corner & Trade the other Coins!

How do Binary works?

First of all, you have the definitions:

Call: On a call trade, you bet that the future BTC price is higher than the current price.
Put: On a put trade, you bet that the future BTC price is less than the current price.
Option: The time after which your trade will end.
Investment: The amount you want to bet.
Entry Price: The price of BTC/USDT (taken from Binance) at the moment when you press "call" or "put".
Exit Price: The price of BTC/USDT (taken from Binance) at the moment when the time of your option is done.
  1. Decide the amount you are willing to bet
  2. Choose your option

  3. Choose if you do a "Call" or "Put" trade and start your trade


The “Affiliates” feature on FaucetPay is amazing since you can refer to & earn Commissions depending on their activity. They also run a Competition constantly for this feature where the Member with the most Affiliate earnings wins a prize (last time was 150$/BTC for the first place winner).


The “Withdrawals” feature on FaucetPay is very impressive since you have the same System here like on FreeBitcoin.

You have the option to Cash Out your Coins instantly (5 minutes) or with a lower fee within the next 4 hours from the request.

We tested it with all Coins and it works perfectly since the idea behind this is simply to give the User the safety to Cashout its funds at any time! Since Faucetpay has Binary Options and people seriously trade there it's very important for its trustworthy and credibility.


In summary, I became a Fan of FaucetPay since it gave us back what Faucethub took from us. This industry needs a strong player in the Microwallet space just for the tons of people who want to make a Faucet and share some Bitcoins to people. We like the design of FaucetPay,  it is very simply designed but you really will not have any trouble understanding how this amazing site works!

Sign up on FaucetPay now!

We highly recommend you make an Account & start with FaucetPay now, as the earning potential is bigger and better than on any simple Faucet! Sign up on FaucetPay now!

Reading: Review of faucetpay.io in 2020 with extensive analyzes about its features like Binary Options, Multiply Bitcoin, Faucet List & more.

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    Ich möchte DR. AKHERE für die wundervolle Arbeit danken, die er für mich und meine Familie geleistet hat. Ich hatte eine ernsthafte Trennung von meinem Ex, aber als ich ihn um Hilfe bat, brachte er ihn mit seinen historischen Kräften zu mir zurück und half mir auch dabei einen Job zu bekommen, da er mich verzaubert hat, hat es mir wirklich gut getan und seit ich ihn kenne, ist mein Mann mir treu geblieben Hilfe, wenn Sie mit einer Trennung oder einem Eheproblem konfrontiert sind, wenden Sie sich einfach an diesen Mann, um Hilfe zu erhalten. Er wird Ihnen helfen, alles mit seiner Macht zu regeln. Bitte kontaktieren Sie ihn über seine E-Mail: AKHERETEMPLE@gmail.com oder rufen Sie / whatsapp: +2349057261346 an Ihre Probleme werden gelöst.
